Winner Announcement of Call for Paper


Journal of Tax Policy, Economics, and Accounting (TAXPEDIA) is a peer-reviewed and open-access academic journal published by MUC Tax Research Institute. TAXPEDIA aims to be a media of publication of scientific papers as well as critical media and exchange of ideas for national and international practitioners and academics on various taxation, economics, and accounting issues based on the results of studies or field research and literature.

One of TAXPEDIA's efforts to gather ideas and disseminate research outcome is by holding a Call for Paper: Opportunities and Challenges for Indonesian Tax Reform, which took place during August-September 2023.

The Call for Paper judging process was carried out transparently by TAXPEDIA Editorial Board. Following are the winners and favourite nominees:

1st Place
Fajriyatul Abadiyah

(UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta)

2nd Place

(Universitas Negeri Semarang)

3th Place
Bryan Habib Gautama, Sessa Tiara Maretaniandini, & Didik Purwanto

(Politeknik Keuangan Negara STAN)

Favourite Nominees:

  • Agus Fachrur Rozy, Ahmad Fitri (Universitas Brawijaya)
  • Johanes Glorinus Saragih (Direktorat Jenderal Pajak)
  • Devara Aisyah Putri, Damas Dwi Anggoro, Aleyda Farihatus Shofwah (Universitas Brawijaya)
  • Rihadatul A’isy Putri Dianfah, Damas Dwi Anggoro, Aleyda Farihatus Shofwah (Universitas Brawijaya)
  • Iman Supriadi (STIE Mahardhika Surabaya)
  • Sessa Tiara Maretaniandini, Didik Purwanto, dan Bryan Habib Gautama (Politeknik Keuangan Negara STAN)

Congratulations to the winners and favourite nominees. Thank you for the participation of all Call for Paper authors.


  • For the next phase, TAXPEDIA reviewer will conduct a blind review of the manuscripts of each winners and nominees.
  • Before being declared eligible for publication and prizes, winners and nominees are required to make revisions or corrections if needed.
  • If we do not receive the revised manuscript according to the deadline (2 weeks after the review results), the winner or nominee concerned will be considered to have withdrawn and their positions will be replaced by other nominees with the closest score.
  • The decision is final and cannot be contested.


Further information:


0812-8098-9460 (Dyan Wahyu Nugroho)
0812-9907-1801 (Satria Ramadhany)